28 Adorable Stories of Animals Stealing Food, Including Pizza!
When it comes to food. including pizza, our furry animals are willing to go to great lengths to grab a slice for themselves. These adorable animals went above and beyond to get their share of food, even if their owners didn’t appreciate it. But, we know how hard it is to resist a cheesy, crisp, tasty pizza slice, and don't get us started on that cupcake. So, there’s no way we can get mad at these little guys.
From furry puppies to sneaky cats, and even some funny-looking raccoons, these adorable stories of animals stealing food will teach you one thing: don’t ever leave your food unattended – ever.
This is what happens when you leave your pizza slice unattended.
Let me help you with some portion control, my friend.
They don’t need all this pizza, I’m just going to help them by taking this little piece right here.
This dog learned a new trick. We’re pretty sure the owner is regretting that today.
The NYC subway rat will be our pizza hero forever, no questions asked.
Epic snack stealing plan went wrong for a little kitten.
One for you, one for me, right?
I’m just going to slowly take this pizza slice. You know, for quality control, of course. I don’t want you to get food poisoning!
Well, we knew Dalmatians were smart, but this dog took it to the next level. Whatever he's pulling out from that toaster, we hope is one crispy reheated pizza slice coming our way!
Little baby, sugar is bad for you, let me save you from that cookie!
Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! We get it little puppy, pizza is very exciting for us too!
This cat was like “If he doesn’t want it, I’ll take it, thank you!”
“It's just a little bite. I promise,” he said.
Here’s a quick food stealing master plan tutorial from these dogs. Learn from the masters.
Never (ever) take a selfie with your puppy and a pizza slice together. Ever.
Never underestimate a dog for its size ever again. How can we get him into the World Pizza Games?
Dog vs. pizza box. Classic match.
Quickly, he is not looking, he is not looking.
It’s okay kiddo, I’ll eat the rest.
Should I? No, that’s wrong. Never mind, who cares!
You had too much wine already, let me take this.
You look a little bit chubby cat, let me take this for you.
Breakfast is served, everyone.
Sorry birdie, this is mine.
Quick, she’s distracted, just swoop in and snatch that churro.
Let me just get a quick sip, just a tiny sip.
Breaking News: a bird breaks into a store and runs away with a bag of chips. No, this is not fake news.
Alright, no one’s looking. Quickly, jump, grab it and keep walking as no one is watching.
These little furry guys definitely know their way around food. Honestly, if you take your eyes off them for a minute, they might just end up stealing your last Hungry Howie’s® pizza slice. Or even worse, your whole pizza pie.